A rabbit and a guinea pig in grass Description automatically generated with medium confidence

A Walk in The Park

I live in a really small town, so our parks are limited. Our main park has a bike trail along the outer

edges of a tree filled grassy area with picnic tables area. Anyone can have birthday parties, graduation or

just a family get together and have a barbecue.

I our little town there are areas in certain neighborhoods that have open grassy areas where kids, adults, and dog’s play

football, baseball and jog, unfortunately the depressed grassy parts fill with water.

I’m sure you know most chihuahuas are very nervous little dogs so when I take my chihuahuas I always

have to keep in mind that Sandy is not the social one. She needs to be the Alfa every where we go and

Cinnamon will follow Sandy’s lead when it comes to barking and not letting other dogs or people get to close.

So, we like to go when there are not a lot of people or other dogs around.

In our area it gets really hot over 100 degrees in the summer too hot for me and the girls and in the winter it’s in the low

30s with lots of fog, too cold for me and the girls. When the temperature permits I

put their sweaters on and we drive to the park. The girls get very distracted with squirrels, birds

anything that moves. Many times, I just have to pick them up and move away from whatever has crossed

their path.

Where we live we have a huge yard all most 1/2 acre so they run around chase the feral cats sometimes

stray chickens come in so they will chase them out too, so they get some exercise.

There are many dogs that get along well other dogs even make friends. My brother had a Great Dane who

loved to run and make friends with any and all dogs especially other Great Danes. There is a grammar school a couple

of blocks were my brother lives so in the summer her would take Max his Great Dane to the school’s field.

My brother’s dog was huge as many dogs of that breed are, but he met a friend (another Great Dane) at the park

that beat his size by 50 lbs. They chase each other and wrestle just have a great time. Evan though our trips to the park

are a little stressed my girls just want to go for a drive.