

Hi its Linda from Sandimon,

I would like to talk about the diets of my two little chihuahuas. First let me tell you about their symptoms. My girls would scratch and scratch day and night. Since we live in the country there are feral cats that run through our back yard. I think the cats come by and check to see if any of our chickens have gotten out of their pen. We have three large pens of chickens who give us wonderful tasting eggs anyway back to my girls both girls sleep with me so because they were scratching all night they would keep me up at night too.

It seemed that I was constantly checking my little dogs for fleas. I was finding their skin was bleeding from so much scratching.  I didn’t see any fleas but I bathed them every 2-3 days, with a flea shampoo and a good conditioner. I decided to contact their veterinarian who prescribed very expensive flea medication. Now the vet tells me too much bathing will dry my dogs skin so now I feel guilty their skin is so dry and bleeding.  I love my little girls so I paid for their medication even though it was expensive, and I stopped bathing every few days. Now my chihuahua girls have dry skin, and I feel so guilty and frustrated. Well, the itching didn’t stop.  After another week of continuous itching.

I was on the internet and found a lot of dog owners with the same problem of scratching pets. It seems all kind of animals have allergies just like humans and by changing their diets to no corn, soy or wheat or by products, only 2 ingredients.

So I decided to change their food to a basically chicken and no fillers. It worked, after a few days they stopped itching so much. I did some research about allergies and came to believe my girls were allergic to the fillers of the dog food I was giving them. After a few weeks no more itching! We are happier and itch free and sleep all night now.  Even though their food is so much more expensive I want my little girls to be itch free and healthy because, I Love them.