


Hi my name is Linda, and I am the proud owner of sandimonspets.com

This website was named after my two chihuahua girls Sandy and Cinnamon.

I live not only with my dogs but have also lived all walks of life.

I was fortunate enough to grow up in the country, and I was surrounded by animals. My neighbor had chickens, goats, ducks, and even a pregnant donkey who gave birth to a baby male donkey (that was very exciting as a little girl). My neighbor taught me in order to keep any type of animal you had to work 24/7. She allowed me to feed water and even clean out poopy stalls.

To this day I take care of not only dogs, but I have 80+ that I take care of as well. We built the stalls, we make sure they are warm, fed, clean, and even take special care of the fragile chicks.

I also grew up with a school friend! Who had a couple horses in the hills of Hayward. Where it was VERY country. Her and I would go riding on the weekends during the school year, and every day we could in the summer, that was before the state-built Hayward State University. After that her dad sold the horses, but we were in high school at that time. Her and I lost contact after I moved to the Central Valley California, but I still think about her today.