Dog brush

Basic Dog Grooming Toolkit for New Year

The needs of novice beauticians are different from those of experienced beauticians. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required.

Slacker brushes

Some people have soft pads, some have hard pins and some have really long Brussels sprouts for long haired dogs. Over time I would like to add more sizes and types of soft brushes, but I can start with one or two.

Stainless Steel Comb

The comb is used to remove dull hair, poodle combs and fine-toothed combs that are designed to trim dog hair. Like any grooming brush, you should take the time to add it to your comb collection.


Available in different lengths for different dog sizes. They have different types of handles and can serve different purposes. For example, offset handles, straight handles, rotating fingers for different hand sizes and preferences. Some scissors are for thinning hair, while some are for general use. Most growers will find that straight-cutting scissors are one of the best universal tools.

Ideally, you can hold it in your hand and see how it feels. Like a chef’s knife, scissors have a personal taste.


Clippers with removable blades allow you to change the blades for different lengths of hair. You can use the # 10 blade attachment to create a beautiful long finish. All pet nails need to cut their nails, so a good nail clipper will help keep your pet healthy. Addition

Dog preparation set

Clippers with adjustable blades make some tasks easier. The size of the scissors is smaller than the current clipper, which allows the blade to be adjusted up and down in different lengths such as pad shaving, hygienic haircuts, poodle face and leg shaving.


It can be used with all kinds of dogs including Lab, Gold and other breeds also keep in mind the following points.

The removable blade gets very hot. If you have multiple sets, you can keep one set and let it cool to take it out. This method is useful for raising new dogs that are slow to groom.

Different beauty tools

Dogs are very diverse and include about 200 AKC certified breeds and all mixed dogs. Some weigh close to 200 pounds and have a short coat. I have dozens of tall dogs like Afghani (Mastiff) and Lhasa Apse Some dogs have double coats and some have thick coats. Next, there are other types of hair. With all these differences, it should come as no surprise that different breeds need different grooming resources. Preparation tools

Grooming Tools for Wire Haired Dogs 

Types of terriers have thicker coats that require different grooming methods than golden retrievers. Many dog ​​breeders use clippers to trim them. Others specialize in more sophisticated manual stripping that helps keep the colors moving. In some cases, trimmers remove some marks with manual removal.

Whichever method you choose, you will need a basic toolkit that includes a soft brush, comb and clipper. You will also need a carding tool to smooth the hair fall under the top layer. The carding knife removes the loose hair and flattens the wool. Otherwise, the fur may look dull and the dog will return home and remove the excess fur.