Wet pet food. Cat or dog pate.

Tips for Safely Handling Pet Food

We love pets and with a few simple steps we can prevent it. Foodborne illnesses, including Salmonella-related illnesses; we handle pet food. This product, like many other products, Food can be susceptible to harmful bacteria.


Salmonella in pet food and treatment can cause serious infections in the following areas not only dogs and cats but also people, especially children, the elderly decreased immunity. Salmonella in pet foods and snacks can infect humans. Swallow and handle contaminated food. Alternatively, you may get sick if: Disposing of sick animals and garbage, they do not wash their hands properly. Pet owners and consumers can help reduce their exposure to infected pets.

Safe Use Guidelines Food and Breakfast:


Buy the product in good condition and without damaging the packaging, such as: Dents and tears.


  • Wash your hands with warm, soapy water for 20 seconds before and after handling your pet.
  • After eating, treating and playing or throwing pets.
  • Wash utensils, pots and pans with warm water and soap after each use.
  • Do not use pet food cups as paint. Use a clean Spoon;
  • Dispose of old or spoiled pet food safely, such as by tying it tightly a closed trash plastic bag.


  • Refrigerate or dispose of unused wet pet food immediately. The refrigerator looks like this:
  • Set it to 40 ° F or less. Store dry pet food below 80 ° F in a cool, dry place.
  • If possible, keep pet food dry in the original bag and store in a clean plastic container.
  • Cover the top of the bag with the lid. Keep pets away from food storage and cooking areas. * Keep your pets away from trash and household waste.

Raw food diet

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which manages pet food, Due to the high risk of the disease, pets are advised to eat raw meat, chicken or seafood. Food reflects the health of the animal and its owner of the pet owner likes raw food.

For pet food, the FDA recommends the following precautions:

  • Keep raw and chicken products frozen until used.
  • Melt raw meat in the refrigerator or microwave.
  • Keep raw foods separate from other foods. Wash workspace and dishes.
  • Cutting board, cooking cup, food cup), hand and other items,
  • Cover the rest of the raw meat immediately and refrigerate.

Scrap all raw

  • Meat is not kept for more than 2 hours.
  • Disinfect cutting board, counter tops and flooring areas in the following ways:
  • Wash the area with soap and warm water. Rinse with clean water and use dilute bleach (1 teaspoon bleach per liter of water).
  • Dry the treated surface at least 3 times.
  • There is no need to clean or rinse the surface of the minute spray.